Originally published on Cohost. Initially, I had planned on writing pwcc in Lean 4, and this post was part of that exploratory process.
Following along with https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/examples/bintree.lean.html, because i Just Want To Start Writing Code and reading examples is the best way to get acquainted.
Starting off, we have just a simple polymorphic tree definition:
inductive Tree (β : Type v) where
| leaf
| node (left : Tree β) (key : Nat) (value : β) (right : Tree β)
deriving Repr
And, skipping over a few things, both a naïve toList
implementation and a tail-recursive one:
def Tree.toList (t : Tree β) : List (Nat × β) :=
match t with
| leaf => []
| node l k v r => l.toList ++ [(k, v)] ++ r.toList
def Tree.toListTR (t : Tree β) : List (Nat × β) :=
go t []
go (t : Tree β) (acc : List (Nat × β)) : List (Nat × β) :=
match t with
| leaf => acc
| node l k v r => go l ((k, v) :: go r acc)
Neat! Good to see that a functional programming language can in fact do functional programming things. Wait, what’s this next paragraph:
We now prove thatt.toList
return the same list. The proof is on induction, and as we used the auxiliary functiongo
to defineTree.toListTR
, we use the auxiliary theoremgo
to prove the theorem.
theorem Tree.toList_eq_toListTR (t : Tree β)
: t.toList = t.toListTR := by
simp [toListTR, go t []]
go (t : Tree β) (acc : List (Nat × β))
: toListTR.go t acc = t.toList ++ acc := by
induction t generalizing acc <;>
simp [toListTR.go, toList, *, List.append_assoc]
annotation instructs the Lean code generator to replace anyTree.toList
when generating code.
@[csimp] theorem Tree.toList_eq_toListTR_csimp
: @Tree.toList = @Tree.toListTR := by
funext β t
apply toList_eq_toListTR
Like i knew that this was the “functional programming used for proving things” language, but such a tight integration w/ the compiler itself is very cool. Formal verification ftw!