PolyWolf on Security

Huge Brain Attack On Facebook

Posted on 2021-04-07: https://twitter.com/mikko/status/1379686946117668867

From @mikko:

qrt of https://about.fb.com/news/2021/04/facts-on-news-reports-about-facebook-data/:

Facebook assures us that it’s important that your phone number was not stolen from Facebook by hacking. It was stolen by scraping.

For users who try to maintain an unlisted number, the distinction between hacking and scraping might not feel that important. Lots of politicians, celebrities and people with abusive ex-partners had their phone numbers exposed.

How was Facebook scraped? Effectively, the attacker created an address book with every phone number on the planet and then asked Facebook if his ’friends’ are on Facebook.

kinda shook that Facebook just allowed that lol