All Tags- 02/12/2025: Optimizing Markdown Images With Astro
- 01/19/2025: I Have "Numbers" Now
- 01/17/2025: One Neat Trick For Writing Large `macro_rules!`
- 11/24/2024: A Novel Idea About `Functor` In Rust?
- 11/13/2024: Swift *almost* does a really cool thing I want
- 11/08/2024: What If Anyone* Could Use My Post Composer?
- 10/18/2024: More Automatic Crossposting!
- 10/17/2024: work on my toy compiler is progressing smoothly
- 09/21/2024: How should I store my blog posts?
- 09/03/2024: OK Nevermind Lean 4 Is Kinda Bad Actually
- 08/31/2024: Lean 4 Is A Cool Language
- 05/01/2024: Some Reasons Your React App Might Be Slow
- 04/04/2024: added this to my .zshrc
- 03/10/2024: wow another weekend project
- 02/15/2024: is it just me or is Nix not a good language
- 12/26/2023: Assembly or Bash?
- 11/19/2023: Weekend Project Complete
- 09/24/2023: Software Packaging Is A Nightmare
- 08/09/2023: Learning Memory Order in C With Mutexes
- 07/26/2023: Fun C++ Quiz!
- 07/16/2023: Exploring Mutexes In C