PolyWolf's Blog

It's Bandcamp Friday & I Bought My Favorite Album Of 2024

Published: 12/6/2024, 9:58:35 PM

So as to not bury the lede:

1: Tanger - Prefer Not To Say

It’s really really good. I love how all the songs fade into one another. I love the variety & how it feels cohesive despite that. I love the beat, lyrics, album art, just everything. Phenomenal pieces of electronic music. And they’re only 19??


I purchased this one last Bandcamp Friday, purely on the basis of “if it’s potsu, it’s gotta be good”, and sure enough yep, it’s really good too. Some classic potsu stuff here, but also some new stuff which works quite well. Really hard to say if it’s better than ivy league or not, tho…

Besides the albums mentioned in my last Bandcamp Friday post, I don’t really have any other contenders for “album i liked the most this year that was released this year”. However, I do have some other albums from this Friday’s haul I’d like to talk about, so talk about them I shall:

greyl - made for you

greyl is another artist who, whenever they release an album, I know I will like it. Just a master of doing funky anime mashups. Their EISEI EP and 02:02 projects, released under the name EISEI, are still my favorites, but i do always appreciate more :)

SCRANTON - Love Letter To The Light

So what if they’re a brony? They make some pretty bangin’ dubstep. I am only vaguely familiar with their work, remember liking a few specific songs in the past, nothing off the top of my head tho. This self-proclaimed return-to-form hits very good for me.

Snail’s House - Snö

Bit old at this point, but it was just sitting in my wishlist & I’ve kept on forgetting to buy it whoops. Kinda nostalgic for me tbh, takes me back to when I first discovered Snail’s House… the MV for their most recent single, う​た​か​た (utakata) had me in tears, really quite moving. Anyways, this album is definitely meant to be listened to as an album, which I appreciate :)

Deezer’s music recommendation algorithm sucks, so I’ve started listening to more albums in general now. It’s pretty good! Turns out musicians bundle songs into an album for a reason, or something. The only downside is I am running out of albums; I do not like to listen to the same thing too many times, ‘tis why I tend to make monster playlists that I can just put on shuffle & not think about. Maybe I should make my next one of those soon… Always accepting recs!
